Governor Otti Reassures Abians Of More Democratic Dividends World Bank engages in reconstruction of infrastructures in Abia State


Abia State Governor, Dr Alex Otti says it is still early days in his stewardship oriented government in Abia State and needs no celebrations yet.

Governor Otti stated this during
a grand civic reception organized in his honour by the people of IsialaNgwa South LGA held at the Group Primary School, Omoba.

According to him, it was difficult for him to accept to be hosted and celebrated at this his early days of focused administration. He added that the reception by IsialaNgwa South people should represent that of the entire LGAs.

“To tell you the truth, it was a very difficult decision for me to accept.
I do not want to be celebrated as such. The truth is that it is still early stage and somehow, I try to run away from events like this because if you don’t caution yourself, it is possible to derail. It is possible for you to begin to seek and clog the media,
We are all from this State and we know that crowds like this were not unavailable in the previous administration when the State was decaying.”

“What you have seen in the last eight months is what the Englishman will call dress rehearsal. In the last eight months, we were running from one federal high court in Kano, to the court of appeal in Kano to the supreme court on the Kano matter, then the tribunal in Umuahia, court of appeal in Owerri sitting in Lagos and then supreme court again, the second time. We did not fear, we concentrated on the work but now, our concentration will be more than doubled.”

Governor Otti used the occasion to announce that the bid for the construction of the 19.1 kilometers Itungwa – Mgboko – Amairi – Amaise – Ahaba ubi – Ngwa elechi – Omoba road being done in conjunction with the World Bank would be advertised on national newspapers next week.
He said, the actual work would

commence in April this year.

The Governor, who said that the whole idea is to open up the State for economic development disclosed that in line with his policy of fixing every major entrance to the State, work has started in Owerrinta -Umuekaa Junction – Umuene road which would be extended to Omoba , adding that work is also on at Onuimo – Tower road. He informed that his administration has a robust plan for agriculture in the State.

The State chief executive who welcomed some new members to the Labour Party assured that the doors of the party are open for new comers.

In his address, the Speaker of the State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Emmanuel Emeruwa appreciated the people for hosting the Governor.
He assured that he would lead the State House of Assembly in supporting the efforts of the Governor through good legislation

Also speaking, the member representing IsialaNgwa North and South Federal Constituency, Chief Ginger Onwusibe thanked God for the courage He gave Dr. Otti to persevere in contesting to serve Abia as Governor and described the Governor as the liberator of Abia State.

He appreciated the Governor for making the State proud through his transformational changes in various sectors of the economy, particularly road construction .

The chief host of the event and former Senate Minority Leader,
Senator Darlington Nwokocha described Dr. Otti as an outstanding Governor.
He thanked the Governor for the visibility he is giving to Abia State and her image beyond Abia.
He said, from filling potholes Dr Otti has gone on to expanding economic roads, saying that Abia would soon take its pride of place in Nigeria under the leadership of Governor Otti.

The Mayor of IsialaNgwa South, Dr. Elelenta Nwambuisi Elele , in his speech said the gathering was put together to honour their son who he described as a man of honour and superlative distinction.

He said, it has been the desire of Dr . Otti to lead Abia and thanked God for making him the Governor as well as expressed his conviction that Alex Otti would realize the dreams of the founding fathers of the State.

In his welcome address, the Chairman of the event and former national president of ICAN, Mr. Chidi Onyeukwu Ajaegbu said Governor Otti has transformed the State into a huge construction site.

Mr. Onyeukwu , who stated that there is no comparison between former Governors in the State and Governor Alex Otti maintained that the Governor’s activities have been affecting lives positively.
He noted that now, Abia has become a reference point and called on all to support the Governor to achieve his vision for Abia State

The event witnessed defection of members of some opposition political parties to the Labour Party including a former Commissioner in Abia State, Prince Sunny Agomuo, a former T.C Chairman of IsialaNgwa South, Barr. Prince Okpanku among many others.