Governor Alex Otti’s Activities In Retrospect

...Recap of some of the Governor’s activities last week- Sunday 17th March to Saturday 23rd, 2024


1. Governor Alex Otti, OFR, attended the second year anniversary in office of his Anambra State counterpart Prof. Charles Chukwuma Soludo. The event held at the International Convention Center Awka, Anambra State. The presence of the Abia State Governor added huge colour to the event as security agencies struggled to shield him from invited dignitaries who wanted a handshake and if possible a photograph with the man who has demonstrated in practical terms that governance anchored on public good is possible in Nigeria.

2. The Governor chaired the weekly State Executive Council Meeting. Briefing the press on some of the outcomes of the council meeting, the Commissioner for Information and Culture Prince Okey Kanu announced that the Abia State Governor, Dr. Alex Otti, OFR, will on Wednesday 20th March flag off the construction of the deplorable 30 kilometers Arochukwu – Ndiokereke – Ozuabam road and the 11.5 kilometers Nunya -Eluama -Isuikwuato road a week later on the 26th of this month. He also announced that the State Executive Council approved the payment of bursary awards to Abia State indigenes in Law Schools across the nation. Prince Kanu further disclosed that in addition to 6 model schools undergoing renovation, the State government has approved the renovation and retrofitting of 170 primary schools which translates to 10 primary schools per LGA and 51 secondary schools have also been approved for renovation and this translates to 3 schools per LGA across the State.

3. The Governor held his monthly no-hold-bared media chat with Journalists from different media houses/platforms tagged “Governor Alex Otti speaks to Abians.” The event was held at the Banquet Hall of the Government House, Umuahia, Abia State.

4. Gov. Otti visited the Alaoji Power Plant of the Niger Delta Power Holding Company (NDPHC) in the company of the Chairman of CHROME Chief Emeka Ofor, as he pushes for stable electricity in Abia. During the visit, the Governor emphasized the importance of prioritizing the transmission of power to areas in need, particularly highlighting the significance of delivering electricity to Umuahia and the other eight local governments of the state not captured by the Geometric Integrated Power Project in Aba.

5. He also visited the Ariaria International Market Aba where he announced that his administration has awarded the construction of the internal road from the Enugu Port Harcourt junction entrance/exit of the market to the Faulks Road entrance/exit of the Market. Right there too, the Governor announced that he has given a marching order for the immediate evacuation of the Mountainous refuse dump blocking the free flow of water each time it rains at Ariaria Market thereby contributing hugely to the flooding of the market. This will allow rainwater to flow easily to the right channels and reduce the incidents of flooding in the market.

6. Governor Alex Otti, OFR, flagged off the construction of the 30-kilometer Aruchukwu-Ndiokereke-Ozuabam Road. While flagging off the road, the Governor made it clear that no part of the State would be left behind. He said, “Starting with some of the most strategic roads in Aba and Umuahia, we are now expanding the scope to cover roads that connect our agricultural zones to the urban areas in order to boost the State’s agricultural output and expand our economic corridors to create jobs for thousands of our young people while taming rural-urban migration.

“It is on this note, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, that I happily welcome you to the official flag-off of the reconstruction of the 30-kilometre Arochukwu-Ndi Okereke-Ozuabam Road. Coming just weeks after work began on the 67-kilometre Umuahia-Uzuakoli-Ohafia Road, the clear message is that no part of the State shall be left behind in our push to expand the frontiers of economic and social opportunities for individuals, families and businesses.”

7. The Governor Received the president of Advance Global Solutions (AGS), Mr. Attilio Bianchi, representing Business consortiums of over 20 companies in Italy/Europe who are interested in investing in Nigeria with a special interest in Abia. Mr. Attilio told Governor Otti that a Nigerian working in the Nigeria Embassy in Rome told him that Governor Otti is clever to manage and protect their investments in Abia. Gov. Otti told Mr. Bianchi that Abia State is open to partnership with prospective and genuine investors interested in investing in the state. According to the Governor, of interest to the state are the recycling and converting of plastics, renewable energy and agriculture and its value chain as proposed by the investor.

8. His Excellency Dr. Alex Otti Signed into law a bill abolishing the payment of pensions to former governors and their deputies. The executive bill which became law after receiving the Governor’s assent on Thursday, March 21 is now known as “Abia State Governors and Deputy Governors Pensions (Repeal) Law, 2024.”

9. The Governor attended the Nigeria Governor’s Forum (NGF) meeting.

10. He also attended the National Economic Council meeting chaired by the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Sen. Kashim Shettima, GCON

11. Gov. Otti received former President of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo. The revered ex-President commended Governor Alex Otti, OFR, for the purposeful leadership that he has provided for the state and his visible achievements in office. He went on to commend him for abolishing pensions for former Governors and Deputies and admonished other Governors to follow suit.

12. The Governor attended the opening ceremony of the State finals of the Abia State Governor’s Secondary School Unity Games. The Unity Game is one of the State Government’s strategic policies of reviving sports at the grassroots level. Gov. Otti explained that the event signals what his administration wants to do for the entire sports ecosystem in Abia State, saying that a comprehensive plan for the development of sports at the grassroots level has been developed. According to him, the plan involves the development of sports infrastructure, training and exposure of talented athletes to life-changing opportunities and platforms, etc.

13. The Governor also attended the 60th Birth Day anniversary of Bishop Dr. Sunday Onuoha where he also performed the foundation laying ceremony of Agnes Memorial Hospital at Okai Item, Bende Local Government Area of Abia State. He described Bishop Onuoha as a man who has dedicated his life to the service of God and humanity and wished him many more prosperous and fruitful years ahead.

14. The Governor rounded off his activities for the week with a revenue retreat at the Banquet hall of the Government House Umuhia, where he sat down for several hours from the beginning of the programme to the end with the heads of various Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of the government discussing and reviewing revenue collection strategies to arrive at a more efficient and workable collection system. The idea is to shore up the revenue profile of the State and make Abia fiscally viable. He said, “If we do what we should do and we do them right, then there is no reason why the over 400 billion that is supposed to be raised as loans (to finance the 2024 budget) should not reduce to the barest minimum. So, we expect a situation and scenario where internally generated revenue will spike up and take over our provisions for loans. So, in simple English, what I’m saying is that we believe that by the end of the year, the State would not have borrowed as much as it put in the budget”

Nwahiwe, Chionyerem Cleverson – Information Officer, Government House Press. 24/3/2024