Appeal for Urgent Intervention In Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike Shutdown


Dear Federal, State, and Local Government Authorities,

I write this appeal with great concern for the current state of affairs at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike (MOUAU). Since February 6th, 2024, the institution has been indefinitely shut down due to a peaceful student protest that unfortunately escalated, resulting in the destruction of school properties by hoodlums. We implore your honorable offices to intervene promptly and resolve the situation, allowing the resumption of academic activities at MOUAU.

MOUAU, located in Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria, has long been recognized as a prestigious institution dedicated to agricultural education and research. Over the years, it has produced graduates who have made significant contributions to the nation’s agricultural sector. However, the recent shutdown has thrown the university into disarray, jeopardizing the education and future prospects of thousands of students.

The Current Crisis:
What began as a peaceful student protest, highlighting legitimate concerns and grievances, unfortunately took an unfortunate turn when it was hijacked by hoodlums. The once peaceful demonstration transformed into anarchy, resulting in the destruction of school properties, including classrooms, laboratories, and administrative buildings. These acts of vandalism have not only disrupted the learning environment but have also caused significant financial losses for the university.

Appeal for Intervention:
We, the concerned members of the MOUAU community, earnestly appeal to your esteemed offices to intervene in this crisis and help restore normalcy to the university. Here’s why your intervention is crucial:

1. Safeguarding Education: The indefinite shutdown of MOUAU denies students the right to quality education. The longer the closure persists, the greater the impact on their academic progress and overall well-being. Your intervention will enable students to resume their studies and continue their pursuit of knowledge.

2. Protecting University Infrastructure: The destruction of school properties poses a severe setback to MOUAU’s infrastructure and resources. By providing the necessary support and resources, you can help rebuild and restore the damaged facilities, ensuring that students have access to a conducive learning environment.

3. Restoring Security and Peace: The presence of hoodlums and the resulting chaos have created an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty within the university community. Your intervention would help restore law and order, ensuring the safety and security of students, staff, and the entire MOUAU community.

4. Preserving Academic Excellence: MOUAU has a proud tradition of excellence in agricultural education and research. By addressing the current crisis, you will safeguard the university’s reputation and preserve its capacity to contribute to the nation’s agricultural development.

We beseech your offices to prioritize the plight of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike and take swift action to resolve the current crisis. The future of thousands of students hangs in the balance, and their dreams and aspirations should not be jeopardized by this unfortunate turn of events. We believe in the power of collaboration and the commitment of our government to education and development.

We trust in your wisdom, compassion, and dedication to the welfare of Nigerian students and institutions. Your intervention will not only allow MOUAU to recover from this setback but will also send a powerful message of support to the entire education sector in the country.

We eagerly await your prompt response and actions to help reopen the gates of MOUAU and restore hope to its students, faculty, and staff.



Alex C. Otti
Cosmos Ndukwe
Nally Godslove Enyioma
Ikechukwu Kelvin Okorie Ikukufied
Promise Uzoma Okoro
Jerry Uzosike
Ben Oriaku
Ben Udechukwu
Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu